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13:37, 04 марта 2012


I would like to compare 2 classification of expressive means and stylistic devices.  they are classification by I.R. Galperin and Y.M. Skrebnev.


The classification suggested by Galperin is simply organized very detailed. His manual "Stylistics" published in 1971 includes following subdivision of expressive means and stylistic devices based on the level-oriented approach:

1) Phonetic expressive means and stylistic  devices - onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyme, rhythm;

2) Lexical  expressive means and stylistic  devices - metaphor, metonymy, polysemy, zeugma and pun, epithet, oxymoron, antonomasia, simile, periphrasis, euphemism, hyperbole, clichés, proverb and saying, quotation, allusion;

3) Syntactical expressive means and stylistic  devices - inversion, detached constructions, parallel constructions, chiasmus, repetition, enumeration, suspense, climax, antithesis, asyndenton, polysyndeton, gap-sentence, ellipses, aposiopesis, question on the narrative, represented speech, rhetorical  questions, litotes.

Y.M. Skrebnev doesn't pigeonhole expressive means and stylistic  devices into appropriate layers of language like Leech and Galperin. Skrebnev first subdivides stylistics into paradigmatic stylistics (or stylistics of units) and syntagmatic stylistics ( or stylistics of sequences). then he explorers the level of the language and regards all stylistically relevant phenomena according to this level principle in both paradigmatic and syntagmatic stylistics.

He also uniquely singles out one more level. In addition to phonetics, , lexicology and syntax he adds semantics.

1) paradigmatic stylistics :

phonetics - italics, capitalisation, repetition of letters, onomatopoeia;

morphology - deprsonification;

lexicology - Positive: poetic, official, professional. Neutral. Negative: colloquial, neologosims, jargon, slang, nonce-word, vulgar words;

syntax - completeness of sentence structure: ellipsis, aposiopesis, one-member nominative sentences, repetition of sentence parts, syntactic tautology, polysydenton. Word order: inversion of sentence members. Communicative types of sentences: quasi-affirmative sentences, quasi-interrogative sentences, quasi-negative sentences, quasi-imperative sentences. Type of syntactic connection: detachment, parenthetic elements, asyndetic subordination and coordination;

semantics - hyperbole, meosis, metonymy, metaphor, allusion, personification, antonomasia, allegory, irony.

2) syntagmatic stylistics:

phonetics -alliteration, assonance, paronomasia, rythm and meter, rhyme;

morphology - it deals with the importance of grammar forms used in a paragraph or text that help in creating a certain stylistic effect.

lexicology - it studies the "word-and content" juxtaposition that presents a number of stylistic problems - especially those connected with the co-occurrence of words of various stylistic colourings;

syntax - parallelism, anaphora, epiphora, framing, anadiplosis, chiasmus;

semantics - simile, clarifying synonyms, climax, anti-climax, zeugma, pun, disguised tautology, oxymoron, antithethis.

As you see classification by Galperin is simpler and more undestandable than by Skrebnev. But Skrebnev's classification is more details, and he shares each meaning by parts of speech. It is good if we review expressive means and stylistic devices as separate unit in the text.

Galperin also shares them by part of speech, but in his classification expressive means and stylistic devices are more linked to each other. And it helps to understand them better without any omission of a meaning of expressive means and stylistic devices. It lets perceive the overall picture of stylistics.