399 781 постов43 подписчика
23:13, 16 февраля 2011

Граффити - вандализм?

Hello everybody!!!

First of all we would like to involve and interested in actual topic is vandalism, graffiti and so on.

Wednesday 11:00 o’clock, Almaty, I stay on the balcony with cup of coffee and look to our city, there is clean, fresh air, snow. Every person start morning differently, some people running to the job, some people try to do projects which decide the future career but we should think about issue which we forget to decide.

When I go to the university, the streets was in crowd, there are a lot of transport which leads to traffic jam, and there are a lot of buildings, houses, which was painted some graphics, graffiti letters, bad words, our benches is broken. Moreover there are a lot of words which is written with obscene speech. It is shock for me that nobody starts to reduce this problem. Our city is cultural centre of Kazakhstan, but youngsters, especially group of people want to destroy our monuments, our sights. People, who did it, called “vandals”. As everybody knows vandalism is criminal act and if someone want to broke and spoil property it will punished by Criminal code of Republic of Kazakhstan.

When I stand near the benches I see another situation that rubbish is not being in trashcan it is also some kind of vandalism. This situation leads to air pollution and after that people have diseases.

There is lot of disadvantages of graffiti, obscene words, for example when little kid goes for a walk near the benches or house where was written bad words, he start to say this word and learn it. Also when he grown up he think to try paint or write this bad words- it is his generation and his future which would not be excellent and perfect.

So every person should think how to reduce these problems, how to make our live more comfortable and we should try to change our society.