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02:11, 07 ноября 2014

bit with fresh herbs

Today I bring you the most delicious carrots in the history of mankind. At least I think so, and I think most of you would agree after you’ve taken a bite of one of these scrumptious little devils. First of all, there’s bourbon. Second of all, there’s maple syrup. Throw in some brown sugar, fresh herbs and just a sprinkling of salt and pepper and these bourbon maple glazed carrots have just leaped onto your Thanksgiving dinner table. Yes, they are that good. Are you sold yet?

We have totally been down this little bourbon road before. I mean I’ve kind of been indulging in the stuff lately.

cooking with it…

brewing beer with it…

drinking it straight out of the bottle…

Kidding. Kidding! I swear, I do not have a “problem.” Please don’t judge me.

In all seriousness though, I love to cook with bourbon. Especially when a sweet veggie is involved. These bourbon maple glazed carrots taste like candy. They are uber sweet, this coming from the sweetness from the bourbon, maple syrup and brown sugar. The sweetness is toned down just a little bit with fresh herbs, salt and pepper.

They are the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving spread. I like to make them ahead of time and then keep them warm in a low oven. They get better as they sit for an hour or so.

Trust me on this.