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03:28, 08 августа 2012

biggest music search

The conflict, as it turned out, did not develop a month, but outside observers found only its culmination. July 31 showed the TSN TV report, devoted to "revolt" in the Kiev Caves Reserve. The footage of the museum Lesnichaya CEO announces resignation of three of his deputies, including the name refers to Prokaeva. Former model in the presence of journalists call "on the carpet," she comes into the office and at the door says the following: "I ??can say that for the post of CEO, I took a bribe of 50,000 dollars. Personally to the Minister." "I'm suing you! - Did not lose Lesnichaya. - I have a recording on the recorder, where Michael A. (Minister of Culture of Ukraine Mikhail Kulinyak - approx." Lenty.ru ") asked whether there were any money for the post. you said that there is ". "Do not lie" - is responsible for this Prokaeva and adds that only resign by the Minister. The Minister, of course, said no money from either Woodward or from Prokaeva he did not receive. Sam scandal Kulinyak prefer to translate into a joke. "The girls had an argument" - this is the official described the essence of the conflict, the newspaper "Today" biggest music search.