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13:37, 13 мая 2012

My enjoyable time

Kazakhstan in general is an unknown travel destination. Some people associate these countries with politically instability and war, however Kazakhstan belongs to one of the most stabile and safe former Soviet Union republics. The birdlife is phenomenon! Apart from a large list of typically European species there is a stunning list of special breeding birds largely confined to Central Asia and tricky or impossible to find elsewhere.

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As I told you in previous blog I spent admirable time with foreigners from Belgium. And of course I want to share my feelings with you. I'll start from the very beginning.

On the first day they arrived early morning to the Almaty Airport. We drove to Maral-Say near Kaskelen village. There we got our first looks of the more common bird species such as: European Roller, European Bee-eater, Booted Eagle, Golden Eagle and others. The target bird of that day was Siberian Meadow Bunting.

On the second day we traveled 200 km east to one of the most spectacular and well-known sites in Kazakhstan-the red yellow and black canyons of the Charyn River Gorge.

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Everybody enjoyed and at the end of day we returned home to our great guesthouse where fantastic supper awaited us. That was the end of day 2.

Communicating with native speakers I developed my speaking skills that would surely help me when passing IELTS test. Many inactive words I had to remember. When I met unfamiliar word I wrote it down and searched in a dictionary the meaning. Thereby I increased my vocabulary. Every evening I tried not to miss reading a magazine which I took from Johan.