399 773 постов42 подписчика
17:51, 28 октября 2010

Why Post-grunge is terrible.

*Alter Bridge
*3 Doors Down
*Finger Eleven
*Matchbox Twenty
*Smashing Pumpkins
*Drowning Pool
*Stone Temple Pilots
*Puddle of Mudd
*Breaking Benjamin
*Three Days Grace
*Theory of a Deadman
*The Calling

The above post grunge failures use the same power chords and loud-quite-loud dynamic over and over again. All of these bands "create" a bastardized, watered down, much more radio friendly version of grunge, with lyrics that are cliche and have no real meaning (similar to the cock rock of the 80's, which grunge bands were so against). In addition the singers obviously putt on fake voices.

Most are Eddie Vedder imitators, many are Cobain clones. A rare few try to imitate Layne Staley. However, I've never seen a post-talent band try to imitate Chris Cornell - probably because they'd fucking die of suffocation if they tried to hit the notes he could.

Apart from the fake voice, the fake accent these guys put on really annoys me; it's very noticeable on some words - especially "yeah", "why", and most words that end with the sound of a vowel. It's kind of hard to explain what I'm talking about if you haven't already noticed this. But basically they over pronounce certain words, put on a nasally pronunciation of some words, and basically try to sound like they are from North-Western U.S.A, when most are in fact Southern rednecks (or Canadian fools).

Time to get even more picky.

I'm going to single out Stone Temple Pilots. Yes, they were around when Grunge was, but that doesn't make them any less post-grunge. I've never heard a good riff or solo from these try-hards. It all sounds the same, with terrible lyrics. Their music is undeniably bland and unoriginal. Scott Weiland was the very first Eddie Vedder imitator, and so we have him to thank for Scott Stapp and Creed. Thanks a lot STP! /

Mark Tremonti, you were shit in Creed, and you are shit in Alter Bridge. Give up you no talent arsewipe.

I listed Silverchair here as well, because their first two albums were quite boring, and they also ripped off the Seattle sound. The riff from Silverchair's "Slave" is the same as "I don't know anything" by Mad Season, the riff from "Suicidal Dream" is the same as "Bleed the Freak' by Alice in Chains. A lot of people say early Silverchair ripped off Nirvana, but to me, their overall sound was a lot more like Pearl Jam - greatly exemplified in the song "The Door". However, Silverchair would later mature and come up with the album "Neon Ballroom" which is pretty original, and the album "Diorama" which is their masterpiece and the peek of their creativity and talent.

Seether, you are not Nirvana, and your singer is not Kurt Cobain. He's an overweight prole.

Creed has no talent, no skill, and absolutely no artistic integrity. Scott Stapp puts on a voice that is so obviously a pale imitation of Eddie Vedder. Not to mention all the blasphemy this asshat commits with his Jesus poses, and what not. This band may be one of the biggest selling of the 90's, but you're a fool if you don't believe that 90% of their sales came from Bible bashing rednecks who were too conservative to get into Pearl Jam, and instead opted for their very own watered down psuedo-Christian rock version of PJ.

Nickelback. Do I really need to explain this one? Their one saving grace is that Jerry Cantrell says they are "nice guys", unlike Creed, who he believes are quite rude and arrogant.

Hinder. As if one Nickelback isn't enough.

I don't need to go into detail over every band, because the same criticisms apply to all of them. They all use a few power chords, put on fake accents, put on fake voices, have cliche lyrics, and just churn out the same shit over and over again.

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