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Kursabayev Mukhamedrakhim Kadyrbayuly. Professor of Tourism and Design chair of Turan Astana university, kursabaev1961@mail.ru

This the historical event sometime had to happen. I was born in the Urzhar area. In 2006 as a part of archaeological expedition of Academy to "KokshE" we within a month carried out research work in the Urzhars area.
When transferred through mass media about a find of "The gold person" near Urzhar we had no pleasure limit! It is sensation!
We studied object "Nayman plaited white bread" (km village Eltay-25), "Taskesken's Petroglyphs" (the km village Taskesken-50) and other objects.
The Urdzhar oasis is chosen by our ancestors not casually. The medieval city "Nayman plaited white bread" (the capital of the Nayman Khanate) was the center of commercial, economic, cultural ties and the socio-political relations. Marco Polo, Plano Karpini, Tsyma Chien, Vilgelm Rubruk, Athanasius Nikitin, Shokan Valikhanov, Alkey Margulan, Kanysh Satpayev, Saken Seyfullin, Kayym Mukhamedzhan both other scientists and educators knew about it.
At the time of the Kazakh-Chinese war (dzhungars aggression of 17-18 century in) this region became object of food security, the water and landscape and mountain meadow oasis of the Alakol hollow (a valley of five Lakes Alakol, Sasykkol, Zhalanashkol, Koshkarkol, Barmakkol) and "Barlyk-Arasan's" transit point served embraced to a recreation, a dislocation of military formation and medical and medical appointment.
Dzhungar and Oyrats and the Kalmyk armies made large-scale aggression against the will, and on the contrary on the basis of a zone military and geopolitical intresting and zones of influence of the Chinese and Russian Empire. At a real outcome Kazakhs could disappear from the face of the earth, at the minimum loss to assimilate in the environment with Chinese or with the Russian superethnoses, In such deal political situations Kyrgyz and the Uzbek army instead of that to combine efforts the union with the Kazakh zhauynger against two Empires took a neutrality position. From the Uzbek army there were cases partial to South Kazakhstan's economically developed and strategically important ancient cities.
Urdzhar became the center to one of the first large association of the Kazakh soldiers-zhauyngerov. In the history of Kazakhstan heroic feats Kazakh zhauynger and sarbaz under leadership of great sons of the Kazakh people Kabanbay (Er-Asyl) the batyr, Akhtanberdy batyr, Bogenbay batyr and the Batyr Bayan which conducted battles in river lower reaches Ayaguz, near a hill "Ak shauly" and in a river valley Emel are known.
One of the main heroes of historical battle is the great leader and the commander, the fearless soldier and wise man Kabanbay batyr from a family of the son of Aq-Sofy (Nayman Ata) Kara-Kerey (Mambet-Kozhagul) which was born near the Lake Alakol.

The term "Urzhar" is understood as "The dangerous pass". The favorable climate, rich flora and fauna, unique contrast of mountain and forest-steppe belts, rich soil and vegetable humic cover, existence of uncountable species of wild animals, birds and a fish fauna attracted many tourists and travelers. Urzhar's all these natural and landscape features became the reason for emergence in this object of the large center trade and economic and political and diplomatic the relation. One of the main issues of the economic relation were an exchange "Chinese a chink" on "Kazakh horses" or on "the Russian furs of a marten". Mutually advantageous exchange of goods brought in the huge income.
Kazakhs were famous with the fast, hardy and reliable racers. All know that horses served as an infallible and well-tried remedy of transfer and bases information, military and tactical maneuver and a dislocation, military campaigns and investigations. These traditions proceed and improved since times of Aryan, saks-Scythian and antic Turkeys tribes. Today in the world many scientists recognized that the Great Kazakh Steppe is the homeland of the first metallurgists and designers, the fighting chariots, the first manufacturers of technology of koumiss and architecture of a yurt nomads and the most important of the first horse breeders (cattle-farmers) in the world.
"Urzhar" became a keen interest place during Kabanbay batyr. The brave soldier and the far-sighted wise man in difficult years of military action supervised caravan tracks. Horses was much, sometimes they served as a core of stable economic development and a wellbeing standard. Usually horses kept in remote mountain plains, on slopes and ridge Tarbagatay mountain plains. In a section of a contour map from the East to the west (the page Aksuat and Urzhar) lengthways can be seen 4 parallel mountain chains stretched from the South to the north on with extent from 70 to 100 km where each of them are divided by plains.
Wild horses who were driven from the remote ridge were highly appreciated. They were delivered mobile, orderly and quickly through "secret roads of thieves-barymta" which the reference points often changed. To these remained national geographical name to "Habarasu", "Akperly", "Abak-asu" and other passes. Withdrawal herd of horses of enemies "Barymta" though took place "negative opinion of society", but in the phisical-body and moral relation presence of fighting spirit of the soldier, vigilance and high responsibility demanded constant. In a peace time of tradition "Barymta" from aksakals and the Sanhedrim weren't welcomed. In our opinion the place name "Urzhar" has a direct bearing on the word "Barymta".

The Russian merchants went along ridge Tarbagatay mountain, coming on the basin of the Lake Alakol and Sasykkol and on a military hill of Kabanbay of the batyr of "Zhay tobe". The route followed from the Siberia taiga to Chuguchak through Irtysh (Ertis) rever and on a ridge Tarbagatay slope. The rich and fluffy fur of a marten and other taiga wild animals a vsor became the reason for emergence of a northern branch of ancient trade caravan tracks which had the name "Way of the Siberia Marten" and "Russian Queen Road".
We investigated archaeological parking of the ancient city "Nayman plaited white bread" where traces of an architectural complex of east style with the Chinese contrast, hydrological constructions, tower buildings and the stone bases were found. It became known that Shokan Ualikhanov instead of that to make travel (Sarkant or Uch-Aral) through the medieval city of "Koylyk" (where Marco Polo on the way to Chingiz Khan stopped) decided to visit the mausoleum "Kozy Korpesh Bayan sylu" (50 km from Ayaguz and 90 km from Urzhar) then continuing to be transported to Chuguchak (Tachen) the way with city visit "Nayman plaited white bread". "Taskesken's stone drawings" and military hill of Kabanbay of batyr "Zhay-Tobe" neare the village Makanchi from 30 km of the Chinese border.
T he Urzharsky oasis can become today object of the international tourism. Some questions connected with development of the tourist industry which found the responses in state document "The system Development plan of tourism in Kazakhstan" though the main attention were concentrated on a river basin Irtysh (Peschanka). In communication by it it is necessary to develop the regional development plan of tourism under the name the Tourist and archaeological complex "Kabanbay Kakpasy – East gate of Kabanbay of the batyr"" with inclusion of kurotny zones of the Alakol hollow, Taskesken petroglyphs, a mountain and landscape belt of Tarbagatay ridge and Barlyk-Arasan, the ancient city "Nayman plaited white bread" and the mausoleum "Urzha Gold person and Women Queen". In the downtown Urzhar it is necessary to construct hotels of the international standard, it is necessary to reconstruct the airport, bus station and to construct Panoramma and ethnographic a museum.
The archeological find of the Scythian barrow near Urzhar can become a key factor of development of tourism in the region. Many scientists of the world are uniform in opinion on surprising similarity of a parallel of ritual of burial of Tsars between ancient civilizations Egyptian Pharaohs and Khans of the Great Steppe.