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10:33, 28 сентября 2016

On the path of cultural development in Almaty.

Last week I was at the Craft Fair, on Arbat. There were not so many people. I missed the atmosphere of celebration. I also noticed, that organization part was not done very well. In my opinion, people want more national features and traditions. Some people did not even heart about the fair of crafts and have come here by accident.

According to the survey, the majority of young people prefer to read the information about events on the Internet and, of course, the main selection factor is choosing the  high-quality advertisement. Poor information, deficient work of PR agencies and the lack of support from the government are the primary problems of the development of culture in Almaty.

What about other cultural places in Almaty? Now, many interesting cultural places are not well known to the large audience. Usually these are small rented rooms that people use for art exhibitions and creative activities. In such places people of different generations, professions and hobbies flock together.

ART-harbor BUNKER – is a creative friendly staff, inspiring creativity and life in the old bomb shelter. It is isolated from the world and opened for the art. Organizers arrange performances, poetry readings, acoustic music evenings, nights of electronic music, dance competitions and concerts, acting classes, degree works of graduates of creative disciplines, film screenings, exhibitions of photographers and artists.

The director of "Art Bunker shelter" Ksenia Kuteleva says "We are the independent experimental theater, so it is hard to correct the censorship and other government’s requests. We are focused on the needs of the viewer. It allows us to perform the main task of the theater for 100% - reflect our reality." In theatre we can reach more than 100 people, but this is not the limit.

In the coming months the theater expects new interesting performances such as: "Miracle", "The Bald Soprano", "Bank", "Stay True" and other. On October, 3 our theatre will present the performance «Stay True» in International Festival HIGH FEST which is going to be at Yerevan. Any work of BUNKER is an experiment. Something new and fresh, something which has never seen before in our city. The genre, which does not exist in Kazakhstan, a performance by the playwright, who still has not been set, and if set - in BUNKER this will be perfomed absolutely in a different way."

Another important cultural place to visit is the art gallery "Beliy Roial". It was founded in 2010 and originally the main theme of the gallery is tapestries, but later it was expanded greatly. The staff of the art gallery "White Royal" are interested in finding unknown talented artists, who want to move to the international level. The gallery had  more than 60 events related to art, recitals and various workshops. Art director of the gallery "Beliy Roial", Togzhan Kuttugayeva states "The art should be accessible to all, regardless of profession and age. People should strive to understand it ". The art gallery organized the exhibition, not only for adults but also for children. Guides will tell about the exhibition with use of  interesting and accessible ways. The iternational exbition - competition of contemporary tapestry  "Karlygash" will be held at the next April. Participants will have to submit their own pictures in accordance with national traditions and peculiarities. For residents and guests of Almaty the exhibition will be available from April, 7 to July, 7, 2017. Art director of the gallery "Beliy Roial" Togzhan Kuttugayeva said "The problem of Kazakhstan's art is not a lack of the talents; it is because of the wrong management. Kazakhstan’s universities do not have a specialty of art management, and the need for it is crucial. And the second necessity is the closer co-operation of private and public galleries."

Almaty has a large number of creative and talented people and they are mostly ordinary persons without ambitions to have their own galleries, large honorariums and luxurious mansions. The only desire for them is to do what they like. Take for instance Catherine Shamsutdinova , she is independent creative person who engaged in the work from 6 years and she is totally self-taught. At school, her works were not much different from her peers. Catherine Shamsutdinova said "I dont have my own gallery to show my works but I want to reach a higher level and gain experience in the artistic field. We can create our own handwriting by trying something new. Among the well-known styles, I prefer the "realism". This is what I aspire in each of my work". Catherine’s works are distinguished by their tenderness, ease and attract attention. Presentation and design are not the basic accents of her work. Catherine Shamsutdinova  muses "Almaty - the cultural center of Kazakhstan. Every year young talents come here from across the country, because it is a city of opportunity. The culture and creativity is definitely developing here, of course."

According to the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan for this year in our country are more than 64 theaters, 234 museums and 114 organizations that are engaged in movie’s production. More than half of them work and located in Almaty. Until 2010, Kazakhstan was not engaged in the production of movies. Over the past 2015, our country has already released 35 films. The number of visitors to museums, theaters and cinemas is increasing every year.

Experts in the field of Culture assured that Kazakhstan has great prospects. MPs and politicians particularly acute engaged in the development of theater art and film industry. Foreign critics say that the future of Kazakhstan’s culture has really bright perspectives and they are advised to pay more attention to national color.  Almaty has already established a place for exploring the national culture: Museum of national musical instruments, nomadic exhibition of household items, concert halls for national competitions of musicians.