399 773 постов42 подписчика
12:10, 02 апреля 2014

Команду taskme.kz выбрали на startupsauna.com

Команду taskme.kz выбрали из 52 претендентов на международное событие http://startupsauna.com/, мест вроде было всего 16, но по стечению обстоятельств мы физически не смогли попасть на это грандиозное событие. А жаль. Желаем всем попавшим, а также проекту попавшему на наше место перерасти стадию startup'a и стать лучшей в своем сегменте компанией, а акселератору больших и громких достижений в своем нелегком деле. Спасибо за внимание.

Dear Adil Abdugaliyev,

Congratulations - you are selected among the startups to pitch in Startup Sauna in Astana - April 2nd!

Here are the instructions:

Send us the final version of your pitch deck latest today by midnight to j##o@startupsauna.com. You can use .pdf, .ppt(x) and .keynote. There will be a projector with a VGA-connection, a clicker you can use to change slides as well as an Apple MiniDisplay adapter.

The event's schedule:

10:00am Introduction to Startup Sauna. Local partner and coaches present themselves. 
10:30am Pitches by startups 
12:00pm Lunch break 
1:00pm 1on1 coaching for selected startups 
3:30pm Coffee break 
4:00pm Wrap-up

Pitch format is 3 minutes with slides. The coaches will ask questions and give feedback for max 3 minutes afterwards.

Good things to mention in your pitch are: 
- What is the problem you're solving? 
- What is the solution you're building? 
- What's the market opportunity? How is the target market evolving? 
- Value for the customer: What concrete benefits they get? Do you have any numbers to show? 
- How are you making/planning to make money? 
- Traction: Do you have customers already? 
- Team: Why are you able to outrun your competitors?

Keep the slides simple, be memorable and have fun! There might be an audience in the morning section so be prepared for that.

Questions? Don't hesitate to be in touch.

See you soon!

Juho Kokkola 
Startup Sauna