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Inner Wisdom

goooooooooooooooooooooooood morning!

My name's Nurlan, and this is another great topic that we are going to talk about today!


Inner wisdom! Yes, there's a deeper meaning, deeper understanding of it!

Let's learn a little.


Today the blog will be in outlines only. This is due to the health issue of JB. Glossinger, the found of MorningCoach.com


_____________________ Inner wisdom.

“When you admire a quality or qualities in someone else, it’s because they are reflecting the greatness that you have yet to claim of your own.”

  • Open your mind.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Give it permission to help.
  • Connect to a deeper faith.
  • Do automatic writing.
  • Listen.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Believe in your power.


I hope you would understand the idea behind inner wisdom


List a few ideas that you took away from today's CoachCast.

I guess, I got the idea of doing meditation once in a while. Why?

because it helps to connect to inner self and observe better

Also, I think believe in what you believe  is a good message.

I should have a strong belief. Only this way it can help through tough times.


Do you have a belief?