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23:27, 28 июня 2016

I don't know what to do

Hey there!

If you feel like you don't know where you're going, what should you be doing, how do I fit in? You're in a good company! Well we all feel like that at times. Thing is nobody is 100% sure. We learn all the time in life. Don't panic! There is a light in the end of tonnell)) Most important is you are you! There is no other like you on this planet. Don't let voices in your head discourage you. There are so many opinions and voices that pressure you but you can CHOOSE. Don't look at your self through your past experience! Stop and think, what do you like to do? And do it. Are you good in sport, computers, arts, music, writing, debating, running business whatever it is be the best of you. We need you.

I found that whenever I have a dream or setting a goal I see obstacals, my bad expirience kikcs in. I feel that I can't do what I want. That's just a lie , don't buy it. You CAN do it. If you start small steps towards your dream, putting effort in it, I believe you can succed.