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21:40, 02 августа 2012

Hello, Darkness

Good morning,


This is Nurlan, a member of MorningCoach.com

I thank you for visiting my blog page and your interest in personal development.

Today's topic is Hello, Darkness.

You are going to read some useful practical techniques which will help you get out of the negative state you are.

Enjoy reading!

Hello, darkness, my old friend. We all experience darkness at some point in our lives. It is the natural progression of the roller coaster that we live. We have ups, and we have downs. This week, we are going to talk about the darkness. It is not the most motivating topic in the world, but we are going to work hard to help you stay motivated and get through the dark periods in life.


I'm not sure that darkness is a friend, as Simon and Garfunkel said, but we are going to do our best to get through it and move into the light, staying positive and motivated and living an amazing life.


Prevention is the key. The key to dealing with darkness is not entering it in the first place. The first preventive action you can take is to listen to MorningCoach.com. That means really committing to getting up in the morning and listening to something different every single day. It is a challenge to stay positive and in the light when you turn on the news and read most of the negative information that is out there today. Focus on putting great things into your mind, and remember the old computer adage: Garbage in, garbage out. Only put amazing things into your mind, and protect your mental kingdom.


The next area of prevention is exercise. Exercise is a great healer, but it is important that you consult with your healthcare professional before you start an exercise program. It gets the good chemistry going in your body, and it relieves stress, anxiety and depression. It is the natural way to move into the light. Make sure that you are training in some way and that you are allowing your body to move. Movement is critical to keeping positive energy going.


Diet and nutrition. You are what you eat. What you eat helps determine your attitude, mood and energy. Make sure you're eating the right things, and make every meal a spiritual meal. Focus on gratitude for the food that is provided, and see it as a blessing. Also, make sure you are consuming enough B vitamins. B vitamins relieve stress and have a calming factor. I personally take B vitamins in liquid form, and I drink Green Vibrance every day. That supplements my current eating habits with enriched nutrition.


Get out in nature (have a happy place). Another important way to defeat darkness is to get out in nature. It is amazing how much energy you can get from a silent stroll along the beach, in the forest or just in a park. Getting out in nature lets you commune with your higher power and feel amazing energy.


I have a few places that are very sacred to me. There is a place in Indiana—next to a lake with a gigantic tree—that is a really happy place I can go, either mentally or physically, to get some rest. The other places are Tyrona Park in Columbia, where I like to go mentally or physically to connect with my spiritual source, or here in Fort Lauderdale, at the beach, where I can rest mentally and physically to just find peace. Find your happy place so you can go there mentally, but it's even more important to go there physically once in a while so you can make a stronger connection when you need to.


Make something new from something old. Take something old and make it new. That means finding some material thing you can put some love into and bringing it back to life, so to speak.


Create something. You can get a lot of fulfillment from using your hands to create a beautiful piece of sculpture, a painting or anything that you put your love into. Humans are born to create, and when we use our hands to create, it adds to life and a sense of fulfillment.


Get support. If you're really stuck in darkness, you may need to get some support in the form of professional help, a friend or a teacher or coach. It's OK to ask for help. I think that's one of the things people have to get over. Know that you can ask for help and that there's nothing wrong with it.

Write and let things out. A really good way to let things go is to write them out. As you know, I'm a big fan of journaling. Journal your thoughts and your emotions, and put them down on paper. If you really need to, consider something like a burning ceremony. Write down all the negative things are troubling you, find a safe place to light a fire, and then burn that piece of paper to just let everything go.