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08:02, 19 декабря 2014

«Five People you meet in Heaven» Book Review

Mitch Albom “The five people you meet in heaven”

It is quintessential and yet irreversible truth that all human beings are mortal. “The five people you meet in heaven” is the book about illusionary reality after life, accompanied by self-reflection memoirs of Eddy (main character), his narratives about the atrocities of Eastern front at the Second World War and heartbreaking revelations of true love.

This story is about a next-door provincial kind of guy, who spend his life time fixing roundabout at the Rubby’s Park. Nothing particularly outstanding occurred to him – happy childhood in the impoverished Polish-populated area, adulthood with tender feelings to his girlfriend Margaret, and finally, retirement in his hometown…

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Surprisingly, the full understanding of life beauty reached him after “bell rings”. He realizes that his past incarnation had an important impact on “blue man’s” destiny and some of mundane tragedies disappear after seeing their real cause-effect chain.

No matter how great or ordinary life might seem, after reading this book you would be convinced that each moment is extremely precious and every action has its own reaction in the unique after life scenario…