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01:51, 12 февраля 2015

fire during the boiling process

I admit that I love meatballs because most of them are quite simple and super yummy. As a hot pot lover, various kinds of meatballs are always my favorite no matter chicken meatballs, pork meatballs, beef meatballs or shrimp meatballs. I love the strong savory taste bought by the sauce. So my common version of meatballs are all like this one, with very easy and simple ingredients and a favorite dipping sauce–quite similar to hot pot.

The version Elaine introduced today is pure pork meatballs with green onion and ginger. Ready within 15 minutes but all my family members love them. Surely if other vegetables are wanted, you can add finely chopped ones. Compared with traditional deep-fried meatballs, this water boiled version is much easier but quite yummy too. If you want to have a try of the traditional deep-fried meat balls, check this post: Chinese large meatballs, which is known as Lion’s head meatball.

The texture  and taste of the pork mixture finally decide the texture of the meatballs. In order to make them as tender as possible, I usually add some water and then followed with seasonings. The key step here is to stir the meat mixture from one direction until it becomes quite sticky.

After shaping the balls, do pat them several times between two hands to make the balls as tight as possible and watch out your fire during the boiling process.