399 774 постов42 подписчика
09:39, 04 мая 2012

Эссе для IELTS. Ещё один способ подготовится к написанию эссе. IELTS Independent Writing 40 min long.

Как я уже писала в своём предыдущем блоге  легче всего тренироваться на секциях Listening  и Reading. Все что нужно это найти  practice test.  Пройти тест и, наконец, проверить ответы (и подсчитать результаты).

Как же быть с  секцией Writing?

Ну, есть несколько вариантов:

А) Попросить преподавателя проверить сочинение

Б) Попросить друга/подругу

В) Пойти на курсы по написания эссе (кстати, есть хорошие on-line курсы)

Есть и другие варианты, можно придумать или найти в интернете.

Предлагаю ещё один интересный вариант для вашей коллекции.  Попробуйте воспользоваться программой, которая полностью проанализирует и поставит вашему эссе свою электронную оценку.

Как это сделать? Очень просто! Просто зайдите на сайт findscore.com

Что надо сделать:

1) выберите IELTS essay submission,

2)  кликните на тему сочинения,

3) теперь заполните пустые графы (нужно назвать сочинение, указать пароль и т.д.),

4) засекайте время (на сайте нет таймера, так что засекайте время сами),

5) напишите сочинение (каждый  абзац в отдельное окошко),

6) нажмите Preview (на этой стадии настоятельно рекомендую скопировать себе куда-нибудь своё сочинение, иначе потом вы его нигде не найдёте). Вот моё сочинение:

Children should never be educated at home by their parents. Do you agree or disagree?

I agree with the statement that should never be educated at home. There are circumstances when home education is the only option. Nevertheless, I believe children should be taught at school. Schools are not perfect, but they are one of the most effective and realistic tool of teaching children.

To start with, I might be a bit conventional person. I can't imagine someone studying at home instead of going to school. I don't know any person who haven't studied at school. All of my friends and friends of my friends. In brief, everybody I know studied at school. Let's face studying at school is very hard at times. Although, there are a lot of disadvantages about studying at school: high peer pressure, increasing workload, socialization problems; there is no better alternative for it yet.

First, school is the best place to make friends. I know a lot of stories when people met best friends ever at school. They grew up together and they always have huge credit of trust to each other. They always have some fun stories to share with others. Many situations that seemed embarrassing, tough and difficult, at times even impossible to overcome transform into funny stories. But all those funny or sad storied become strong and solid base for lifelong friendship. There are two friends who I consider to be best friends and who I know since high school. I value this friendship the most.

Second, school teaches us how to conform and, sometimes, how to confront. I don't think it is totally good thing. t school we learn how to obey the rules. We learn very quickly that in case we don't do what we are expected to do we will have some punishment. And it is not always a good mark, it can also be social isolation in worst case scenario. Sometimes, these lessons of life are quite positive, but they can also be quite cruel. There a lot of situations to respond to, a lot of problems to solve, a lot of discussions to participate in. Thus, there a to of lessons to vital lessons to learn at school.

In conclusion, I would like to tell repeat again that school is the best option for a child to learn about socialization and how to deal with problems and difficulties. Although, they are not always easy study at, they remain to be the best way of teaching children.

7) нажмите  OK,

8) вы увидите результат:

Statistics Report

Word Count ( количество слов)


Total Unique Words (использовано уникальных слов)


Lexical Desity (лексическая плотность)


Number of sentences (количество предложений)


Average words per sentence (среднее количество слов в предложении)


Hard Words (сложные слова)

40 (9.76%)

Fog Index


Statistics Breakdown by Paragraph


Word count

Sentence count

Words per sentence

























Word Frequency Cloud

alternative although base become brief case child children circumstances conclusion conform confront conventional credit cruel deal difficulties disadvantages discussions easy educated education effective embarrassing everybody expected face friends friendship funny going grew haven home impossible increasing instead into isolation lessons life lifelong met nevertheless obey option others overcome participate peer perfect positive pressure problems punishment quickly realistic remain repeat respond rules sad scenario school schools seemed share situations social socialization solid someone sometimes statement storied stories strong studied study studying taught teaches teaching times tool totally tough transform trust vital workload worst


4 words in topic appreared in text, as shown in red color.

Keyword List

There are 92 keywords in this essay.

alternative although base become brief case child children circumstances conclusion conform confront conventional credit cruel deal difficulties disadvantages discussions easy educated education effective embarrassing everybody expected face friends friendship funny going grew haven home impossible increasing instead into isolation lessons life lifelong met nevertheless obey option others overcome participate peer perfect positive pressure problems punishment quickly realistic remain repeat respond rules sad scenario school schools seemed share situations social socialization solid someone sometimes statement storied stories strong studied study studying taught teaches teaching times tool totally tough transform trust vital workload worst


Organization phrases count: 13

first... second... too... also... in conclusion... when... in that... though... yet... but... instead... since... thus...

Computer Score: 5 (насколько мне известно, максимальный балл, который вам может дать компьютере это 6)

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