399 781 постов43 подписчика
06:06, 23 апреля 2012

Диалоги к уроку 10 курса Hit the target-1

Диалог № 1
Henry: Hello Sheila. I didn’t expect to see you here.
Sheila: Oh, I’ve been here for quite a while.
Henry: When did you arrive?
Sheila: Just after lunch.
Henry: Did Patrick pick you up from the station?
Sheila: No, it was a nice day so I walked.
Henry: Have you eaten anything since you’ve been here?
Sheila: Yes, I had afternoon tea with the girls.
Henry: What did you think of Penny?
Sheila: She’s grown up a lot since I last saw her.
Henry: And how did you find Rebecca?
Sheila: She didn’t join us. I haven’t seen her yet.

Диалог № 2
On a Business Trip – A Presentation
Betsy: Hi Brian, this is Betsy. How are you doing?
Brian: I’ve just returned from the Head Office. The weather is great! Boston is a great city!
Betsy: Have you met Frank yet?
Brian: No, I haven’t seen him yet. We have a meeting at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. We are going to meet then.
Betsy: Have you made your presentation yet?
Brian: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was very nervous, but everything went well.
Betsy: Has management given you any feedback yet?
Brian: Yes, I’ve already met with the sales director. We met immediately after the meeting and he was impressed with our work.
Betsy: That’s great Brian. Congratulations! Have you visited any museums yet?
Brian: No, I’m afraid I haven’t had any time yet. I hope to take a tour around town tomorrow.
Betsy: Well, I’m happy to hear that everything is going well. I’ll talk to you soon.
Brian: Thanks for calling Betsy. Bye.
Betsy: Bye.

Диалог № 3
Tom: Hi Henry, it’s been a long time since we saw each other last. What have you been up to?
Henry: Hi Tom! It’s great to see you again. I’ve been away on business.
Tom: Really, where did you go?
Henry: Well, first I flew to New York for two meetings. After that, I flew to Atlanta, where I had to make a presentation at a company conference.
Tom: It sounds like you’ve been busy.
Henry: Yes, I’ve been very busy. It’s good to be home again. What have you been doing lately?
Tom: Oh, nothing much. I’ve been working in the garden these past few days. Alice has been away for the past two weeks visiting her relatives in Chicago.
Henry: I didn’t know she has family in Chicago.
Tom: Yes, that’s right. We met at university in California. She was born in Chicago and lived there until she went to college.
Henry: How long have you lived here in Colorado?
Tom: We’ve lived here for over 10 years. We moved here in 1998 because I had a new job as a sales representative.
Henry: Have you lived in the same house since you arrived?
Tom: No, first we lived in a condo in downtown Denver. We moved here four years ago. We’ve lived on the street for four years and they’ve been the happiest years of our lives.
Henry: Yes, my wife Jane and I love this neighborhood.
Tom: And how long have you lived in your house?
Henry: We’ve only lived here for two years.
Tom: That’s strange, it seems like you have lived here longer than that.
Henry: No, we moved here in 2006.
Tom: How time flies!
Henry: I have to agree with you on that. It seems like yesterday that I graduated from college. I can’t believe I’ve been working for more than 10 years!
Tom: I’ve been working for more than 30 years! I’m going to retire soon.
Henry: Really? You don’t look a day over 40!
Tom: Thank you. You’re a great neighbor!
Henry: No, really. Well, I have to get going. Work is waiting for me. Have a good day.
Tom: You, too. Glad to have you back in the neighbor!