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23:51, 19 октября 2011

bullshitty thoughts...


woke up, it is raining, but now it has stopped, had my breakfast, tea, egg and handmade cake, hmm so delicious, opened laptop and start to surf the web, checked mails, reading kz news, what are bullshitty news and plus shitty comments, it seems everyone is too clever to make changes in country, only talks and sitting their ass on in front of internet, I'm not the exception, turned on radio, they put my current favorite song, thanks, taking another piece of cake in and singin along, october is almost ending, then cold november, maybe sweet november for others, on my mind stuck phrase: 'if youth knew it, if elderness could do it', yea agree, now we are young with full of energy, ambitions, but wasting our precious time with any kind of bullshits, convincing that we still have time, enjoy your life, bla bla bla, maybe it is right, maybe I'm too dramatic, lets pass it, last times interested in making remixes to favorite songs, current trend is dubstep, made only 2 remixes, such a mess, I need more experience, hope next one will be more structured, some cool ideas floating on my mind, ok, let me finish this shitty entry, peace all....