399 773 постов42 подписчика
09:33, 02 мая 2012

Arg. Essay - IT polarized society

The age of information technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it. Eventually we will have a polarized society and this will lead to serious social problems. Form an opinion based on the info above and write a well-reasoned essay.

Information technology has dramatically changed the way people live, interact and work. One of the main changes has been the introduction of computers to mainstream society. However, this current social set up has left large pockets of people who do not understand the many uses of technology. As this distances these people from the rest of society who are educated in the many uses of technology, it is believed major social problems will be created. The two main elements that will be analyzed in connection to these social problems are the educational as well as the employment ramifications.

Firstly, technological imbalances among society would cause major educational problems. For instance, most educational institutions require software knowledge of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint in order to facilitate the learning process for students. By looking at this example, it is clear that students who have not had a chance to learn how to use a computer and other technology would be less capable of educational achievements. Thus, a polarized society resulting from technology imbalances among people can be seen as possible.

Furthermore, computers are established tools in most industries. This creates social pressure for people who have not had opportunities to be trained in IT. One specific example is the architecture industry, which has a firm software base. For someone who has little to no access to basic modern technology, career paths such as this are impossible. These facts clearly demonstrate that if people do not adapt and upgrade their skills in IT, they may become increasingly unemployable in the modern world. Thus, the possibility of a polarized society due to rifts in technological understanding can be seen.

In conclusion, after analyzing the areas of education and employment it has now been shown that information technology is splitting society and will ultimately result in social conflicts. If government institutions do not make an effort to lead education campaigns promoting IT skills among those who left behind, these potential problems will quickly become reality.