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Affiliate PLR

Its like changing the oil in your car, you know it needs to be done but you just keep putting it off until one day you wake up and you find out that your nice car that once was new and shiny is not as great as it once was in fact because you did not properly maintain it and wax it the paint started to fade, and the tires wore out, and oh yeah, you forgot to change the brakes so now your in for that too, but all those things can be fixed right. . .

Sure that’s true, the sad thing is that if you ignore the most important things in life you might end up with a lot less than you hoped for.


What would happen if you decided to go out and sell some old products that you used to use but now no longer use?

You might get a few sales here and there, but for the most part the stuff your selling is old.

Why would you want to do that at all, unless you did not care much about your customers?

Often and in fact too often we have these Super Gurus that come out and sell junk then you have a lot of other people that end up buying that same junk…

PLR is about saving time, but so many people make the mistake of trying to use it as it is, or they find that it is so badly written that they cannot make use of it.

Developing the right kind of content…

Writing content is a process, PLR can help you if your not feeling creative which can happen, the thing is and this is important, the thing here is how much effort do you have to take to make PLR effective, because if you only change a few words here and there, you end up with junk that perhaps makes no sense, much like the spinners they have.

So, really sometimes PLR is not a good thing to use, however if you can make use of at least 25 percent of that PLR content you could develop a unique product that would generate better results from traffic to revenue, its all about what you do with what you have.