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19:18, 19 апреля 2013

Facebook home app reviews

I used to have chatheads for my updated Facebook messenger app, but now when i installed Facebook home, chatheads won't pop up anymore. Does Facebook home affect the messenger app? Or is this just my unit...?  I've deleted it after the 5 minutes of using it...
I just wanted to try it out. Thanks for the help!
I was asking about chatheads and plus, don't i have the right to install anything right on my phone?

Delete this post. Nobody here is going to help you with this. You already embarrassed yourself enough by installing FB on your phone. A NEXUS by the way. Google should confiscate it back from you. He also had to go out of his way to install it since it isn't an officially supported device yet... everyone loves to mod their Android. Those who do understand that things break, and need to be optimized per device. I would be just as harsh on someone who was confused by why the Cyanogen mod for the GNex didn't function on their Nexus 4 or Nexus 7 / 10 android tablets . If you are smart enough to hack something onto your. device that shouldn't be there you should be smart enough to understand why it might not work.

Vince try to reinstall facebook messenger app. Make sure facebook home is uninstalled it may have made messenger go haywire because it is unsupported. Also, it may help to reinstall the facebook app (normal one) So uninstall facebook messenger and facebook app and reinstall it. Hope this helps. since when have the words "officially supported" ever stopped someone with an Android device?? Dozens of kernels & mods & launchers available to anyone willing to give them go. Every other person with an Android device roots it as soon as it comes out the package. But someone puts something on his phone that says "Facebook" & you turn your backs like he insulted your Nana? Classy,