399 773 постов42 подписчика
14:49, 16 ноября 2011

Благотворительный проект "Любовь, мир, дитя"

Авторы проекта -- студенты университета МАБ: Кристина Санкова, Айман Измаилова, Асель Мамежанова, Артём Русаков, Асем Жандыбаева, Темирлан Тогай, Эльдар Наккажинов, Кристина Нестерова. Изначально проект задумывался как фонд по сбору средств для благотворительности. Но позже ребята сделали просто благотворительный проект, т.к. столкнулись с рядом трудностей в процессе фандрэйзинга.

Из описания проекта: At the beginning appeared a lot of new ideas how to organize the project and how to raise maximum amount of money, but until the date of fulfillment we left only few of them, those which will allow to raise money. During the preparation part of the project we showed all types of our communicative skills. First of all, we discussed the plan and the ideas, which required from us a lot of patience (in generation idea and forming action plan), negotiation skills (such as negotiations with administration and with each other), and a lot of compromises.

Цель проекта -- помочь детишкам из детского приюта №1 (Орбита 3) и маленькому детскому дому "Малютка". Второй целью стало развитие бизнес-коммуникационных навыков участников проекта таких, как работа в команде, навыки переговоров, организационные способности.

Проблемы и открытия

Из описания проекта: The first challenge that we have met was the creation of the ideas considering what to do.  During the creation process we did our best in brainstorming. The main risk was to create something worthy. We wanted the project not only to help us get points, but to be useful, and for the people around us as well.

The other problem was meeting the deadlines. It required al our mobility and decisiveness. We were afraid that the given time won’t be enough to fulfill our plans.

We also met some difficulties during the Event. For instance because of the big demand we had to go and buy some extra stuff, such as additional bracelets.  This decision was quite risky because we did not know for sure weather we can sell them or not.

During the project we met a lot of challenges, not only outer obstacles (such as lack of financial resources, time and communicational problems between the group) , but the barriers in ourselves (incontinence in our forces, laziness). Consequently we managed to overcome everything. We also managed to collect more money that we expected (Expected profit: 18 000-20 000; Actual profit: 25 000).

The unexpected results we achieved in collecting books, toys and DVD discs. The received amount of all this stuff was incredible. All toys, books and discs we brought to the Orphanage #1.

We decided to spend collected funds on buying of pampers, which are so necessary in the little orphan’s home “Molyutka”. However that is not all. It was decided that 15 000 tenge from the budget will go to that purpose. The other 10 000 will be spend on swaddling band; swaddling clothes.