399 774 постов42 подписчика
00:34, 27 мая 2011

Shield of Arrav in Runescape

Requirement needed: Another player who hasn’t done the quest, some money
Item suggested: any weapon or armor to kill low level npcs
Quest points required/quest completed: None
Rewards: a certificate exchangeable for 600gps
First of all, you must get another player to do this quest with. One of you have to
get into the Phoenix Gang while the other runescape buy gold joins into the

Black Arm Gang. So decide now
on which gang you’ll want to be in before reading further on and follow the directions on
how to get in each gang.
To get into the Phoenix Gang, speak with Reldo in the library in the Varrock
Castle. Say that you are seeking a quest. Now search one of the bookcases to find a
book. Click on the option to read it. Then talk back with Reldo.
Head back out of the castle and go to the rs accounts for sale

town square in Varrock. Find a guy
named Baraek and talk to him. Give him 20gps for him to talk. Then he’ll explain the
details of how to get the shields.
Now go down the alleyway and down the ladder in southeast Varrock. Talk to the
man in the hideout on how you can get in.
Go to the Blue Moon Inn in South Varrock. Kill Johnny the Beard in order to get a
scroll. Give this scroll back to the man in the hideout. He’ll give you a key and access to
go into the hideout. Use the key on the door and head inside a room with a chest. Open
the chest to get one half of the shield.
If you decide to get into the Black Arm Gang, then first, talk to the Tramp beside
the Sword Shop in Varrock. Ask what’s down the alleyway. He says that it’s the hideout of
the Black Arm Gang. Go down the alleyway into runescape guides a house and talk to

Katine. Ask to join her
gang. Now you have to get two Phoenix Crossbows, and in order to do this, you have to
get a key from a Phoenix Gang member. Ask your friend to get you a key from the hide
out and give it to you.