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02:32, 21 мая 2010

its rainy day (scream of soul)

Now sitting and writing this post, rain behind my window suits my current mood. When things are going wrong, when its hard to make decisions, when inside winter, when doors are closed, when chances are wasted, when boots are wet, when thunder in a head, when you tired but you can't sleep, when sun turns backside, when you lose something but you can't replace, when tea sugarless, when hole in a pocket, when questions not answered, when too many doubts, when things became old and gray, when TV without sound, when dance without pair, when steps without footprints, when figures without shadows, when black taint on a white shirt, when sky without stars, when wind without fresh, when room without light, when pictures without figures, when tasteless meal on a dinner, when hopes are dead, when days are sux - life seems has no meaning. But this is just one side of it - when you love someone, when there is another chance, when opening new doors, when sun comes after rain, when breathing fresh air after rain, when things get fixed, when making right choices, when you have friends, when your prayers are heard, when you have favorites, when smile on a face, when you forgive, when you forgiven, when you sing along your favorite song, when you sleep till satisfied, when you taste delicious meals, when doubts are gone, when taints are washed away, when you get what you need and want, when you enjoy living, when birds are tweeting, when you get satisfaction, when no drama, when achieving, when have many goals, when feel happy - so this is life! Life is too short to live it sad and bad, cherish you each moment and never stop to hope :)

On my ear this beautiful song: