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02:43, 10 июня 2015

my favorite food blogs

I blame loads of school work+work+severe allergies making me not feel so hot. Ack. BUT! I was inspired this morning by a glorious post over at Love Veggies & Yoga! I glanced at the post this morning before class, couldn’t stop thinking about it throughout class and immediately upon getting home, I whipped out the VitaMix and went to work. The can of pumpkin puree was calling my name and the weather outside made this perfect! It’s been overcast and chilly, which I love! Fall is here. Leaves will start turning soon, though here in Denver, they aren’t as plentiful as in Michigan. I will soon be seeking out a cider mill/apple orchard to quench my ravenous desire for fresh donuts! and hot cider! I LOVE FALL high blood pressure.

Back to the matter at hand. Love Veggies & Yoga‘s beautiful post on making your own pumpkin spice latte ran dear and near to my heart. All too often I give in to $tarbucks and indulge in their overly pricey and overly sweetened lattes. NOT TODAY! I pretty much followed her recipe verbatim, except I didn’t have pumpkin pie spice. So I threw in some ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and hoped for the best. Almond milk worked great with this! SO GOOD. Thick and spicy. I loved the froth that just appeared when I mixed the pumpkin milk with the coffee. As always, I highly recommend making your coffee from a french press! So much more flavor and with all the essential oils found in freshly ground coffee beans. Nom nom nom. Many thanks and praise to Love Veggies & Yoga! It literally made my morning hong kong hotels booking.

I will make a valiant effort to contributing more to this blog! I feel so disconnected from the blogging world. I haven’t even been keeping up with my favorite food blogs! For shame. Oh, and is anyone else on Pinterest? It’s really addictive. Methinks it might help me actually get some wedding planning done…but who knows. So many neat ideas out there hong thai travel!