399 773 постов42 подписчика
14:44, 09 февраля 2014



Nowadays every person wears differently clothes with own style. There are many shops, where we can buy them. It`s a century of several brands of garments like Nike, Adidas, Channel, Gucci, Armani, Prada, Puma, Zara, Gap… The companies create them from good quality materials, so clothes are expensive for people with the average wage. Because of this there are many small factories, where workers do fakes of popular brands. As a result, the director has good money, inasmuch as he sells clothes by cheap races. On the one hand, it`s a good idea for low-income people, on the other hand, these type of clothing made from poor quality fabrics. Also, workers have a little payment and can be affected from working with inorganic materials. These sweat factories called “sweatshops”. It`s necessarily to note that sweatshops have poor working conditions, unreasonable hours, child labor, and a lack of benefits for workers. In my opinion, it mustn`t continue, because this is dangerous for health. In 2000, more than 11,000 sweatshops in the United States violated the minimum wage and overtime laws, while over 16,000 had broken health and safety laws. According to information I find, this business exists in foreign countries. I`m pleased that there isn`t any sweatshops in our Kazakhstan!