399 773 постов42 подписчика
11:43, 27 октября 2012

"This period is the period where you get really hard." Andreas Schweneker ("Timehouse GmbH")

Blog post image"This is a little bit of a decision for yourself – should I stop now because everything has gone and do it again, or I will make it and then crossed down and how should I explain it. I can just tell you, what happened to me it is really…sleeping not in the hotel, I slept in the car. I slept in my office because I couldn’t pay for the hotel anymore. I couldn’t pay the freight, so I was driving three times in a week one and a half thousand kilometers, working during the day and in the night I was driving to my factory to check and pick up things for more and a half year. So things, I believe, really create your character, let’s say in this way. But this I can’t tell anymore. I just can tell lots of daily stories, daily business …bring it through until you make it again this direction. Nobody believes in you anymore. The only person, who is believing in the story, is yourself… Who else, in the end of the day, who else? And then you have luck, you come through. People will say, “The border is very easy – if you make it, you are a hero, you are clever, you are intelligent, you are a genius. If you fail, you are an idiot.” It is really come out like this."

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