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23:48, 09 марта 2012

Human Ecological Footprint

I have recently watched the video "Human Ecological Footprint", which made a strong impression on me. The movie shows how many different things an average person consumes in a lifetime. The scale of human consumption, as shown from this point of view, simply stuns. Did you know that a typical person consumes 13345 eggs, 4283 loaves of bread, and 8200 kilograms of chocolate throughout the life? I have never thought that people eat so much! At the same time the human body for all life excretes neither more nor less 2865 kilograms of feces using 4239 rolls of toilet paper! We all know that people like the hygiene. The habit to wash and make things around him clean costs one million liters of water and 656 bars of soap per person. And how much waste do we leave after us? It is difficult to believe but this number constitutes 40 tons of garbage!Blog post image

Having seen such pretty illustrative numbers I inadvertently make up the following question: why do we consume so much? Every action of each one of us leaves an indelible footprint. If we continue to lead such lifestyle, what will remain for our descendants? Resources of the earth are exhaustible, in spite of this, human needs continue to grow. Humanity should realize the gravity of the situation and try to limit their needs. The society is developing rapidly and consuming more and more. So, if everyone thinks about consequences, we will be able to fix it. People would not die if they stop consuming excessive and unnecessary amount of food or use the water economically. Everyone should start with himself firstly, that is, with his self-control.

Thus, this video helps us to see our ecological footprint on a global scale and correct them by realizing our mistakes. I think this movie is very cognitive and useful for everyone.