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18:00, 01 февраля 2012

some of the weekend in Bayern

I wish i could express colorfully what is going on during the weekends in one of German city Bayern in Bamberg. 

The street musicians, artist, actors and other representative's of art are welcome on the main square of the city. It is allowed to express the talents on the streets and have for that money. There are always something fascination going on.

This guy caught my attention. Some type of those exhibitions bring out life thoughts from head for a couple of minute and give a feeling to believe in fairytale.


On another day citizens can attend to instrumental concert by professional players. It is also free. Musicians with great value of  experience and salary play on the square or on the street for public joy and happiness. Audience can award them for their work by some amount of coins.


Street art is allowed here and welcome. When somebody has a talent he can share with it by showing on the public. Both side are happy. People who cane to the city center to relax and artists who is willing to earn money.