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15:46, 21 апреля 2011

Being a Busy Bee

Today is the beginning of the 12th day of my 3 week vacations. It is 0:19 am and the most important update is that my vacations are cut short and will last only 2 weeks - I will be on the road on the 25th of April. Right now I am in my hometown - Aral, which is the city of the Aral Sea. May be some of you already know this place may be some don't: just google it and you will find out. I arrived today and already met my classmates. Impressions are striking and excited too many things and thoughts.

It is interesting how fast our brain can clean up memories and throw them in stocks  under thick dust of its infinite darkness. I spent here first 16 years of my 21 year old life and today had troubles explaining the way to get to my place and forgot the name of the street where I stayed.

The weather was something unusual for me but annoyingly usual for others: I forgot how it feels when wind blows with sand that it gets into your eyes, ears and remain on your skin - disgusting, but gosh I just loved it today! I didn't feel it since 2006, seriously.

In the evening before I got home and sat at this entry I met with my classmates. Things have changed and there will not be a chance to jump into the same river again. This year we are having the 5th anniversary of leaving school. And just a week before I came one of my friends has become a Dad. Now everyone has their own life and responsibilities and job, except me - a long lasting students :) I was deeply touched when they made a toast for me and for the work I've done since I moved to Aktobe and said they are proud that one of us made it as far as I am now and that their friend is becoming a big person and realizing herself in Astana. Never anyone since I left for Astana has told me such warm and loving words. And that is my class, still gathering together, still trying to be close to each other and still staying BFF. This can be a mistake but since I left school I noticed one may be a stereotype (call it whatever you want). When a group of teens leave school in a small city they keep in touch and stay closer to each other closer than almost the same group of school leavers in a bigger city. Of course this phenomena has time limit, for example till everyone has a family, or exceptions, for example unnaturally or naturally friendly society, but still it is true in many cases.

Today was a good day though I didn't finish one work I came for here. It's been 4 years since my grandpa died and I wanted to visit him, but in Kazakh traditions there has to be at least someone who can pray for him with me as I can't do it.  And all the candidates were busy today.

So eveyrone in Aral today were being busy bees and made me remember that when I am back from holidays I will be one of them, just in Astana.  As for unfinished things - I still have tomorrow!