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03:35, 29 октября 2014

I fall off the Lucky Charm

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What did I tell you about eating cereal again for dinner? WHAT DID I TELL YOU? [finger pointing, looks of disapproval, horizontal head shaking]

That’s me talking to myself in the mirror after I’ve downed 3 bowls of Lucky Charms because, honestly, I couldn’t stop. No way. Not happening Fractional co2 Laser.

Secretly, I would just prefer it if they took out those beige-ish looking wanna-be-wheat things and just gave me 100% marshmallows. Yeahhhhh…mmm. It’s a good idea and you know it.

Okay so I fall off the Lucky Charm wagon once in awhile. Big deal. The important thing is to get back up, right?

If you’re going to start cereal addiction rehab, your inner child is probably going to cry a little. On the inside, of course. So, you should treat yourself to something comforting, something that feels like a warm soft blankie and makes you smile like that time you remembered you had leftover cake hidden in the back of the fridge cloud backup.

In fact, upon first bite moan, I forgot all about those shriveled little marshmallows and their mission to attack my intestines from the inside out. And I’m not sure what that noise is but it’s either Adam Thicke rockin’ Blurred Lines or it’s the marshmallows heckling me.
Lucky Charms singing Blurred Lines

Grown Up Breakfast SandwichDamn. This is one good sandwich. I totally sound conceited, right? Well, you would be bragging too if you got off the dang internet and made yourself this sandwich. You’d be tweeting “nom nom nom” to your followers and annoying the heck out of them with your sandwich pics and saying irritating vague things on Facebook like “Just ate something delicious Digital Signage!”