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01:46, 17 марта 2014

Red Fruit Salad Recipe

The low chuckle followed by a head shake. I've come to know it well. It's the reaction friends have when they stop by and get a glimpse at how this project has overrun our house. The towers of boxes, the tape guns, the bins of favorite things - it's all a bit much. I can't help but think of QUITOKEETO as my pretty little monster, one who only has an appetite for physical space. So, we've been on the lookout for the perfect place to move it, for months. And months. I drastically underestimated how long the process would take, but thankfully, we may have finally found just the spot. Please cross your fingers - I'd love to be able to have house guests again. We did the last round of shipments from the dining room and kitchen island, and I thought you might like a look at the process. In the midst of it all, we always try to break for a quick lunch, and this last time I threw together a ruby-hued fruit salad made with beautiful sweet cherries (and sweeter strawberries!), all from the weekend farmers' market.

Fruit SaladFruit SaladFruit Salad

I ground a bit of brown sugar with coriander seeds to add to it, liking the way the coriander's citrusy, green notes played off the flavor of the strawberries and cherries. Just a little tweak, but enough to bring a hint of unexpectedness to a bowl of radiant, seasonal fruit.