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03:28, 30 апреля 2012

Rhyme and graphon


Rhyme /raim / is the repetition of identical or similar terminal sounds, chaining two or more lines of a poem.

Rhyme has several functions:
• it adds a musical quality to the poem;
• it makes the poem easier to remember;
• it affects the pace and tone of the poem.

There are several different types of rhyme:
1. True/perfect/full rhyme (точная)-identical sounds correspond exactly
Boat-float;     might-right;     kite-night;     day-say;     goes-flows

2. Incomplete/imperfect/half rhyme/slant rhyme (приблизительная):
fresh-flesh;   road-boat;   loads-lads;   honour-won her (составная).

3. Eye-rhyme (видимая, приблизительная):
advice-compromise;   have-grave;   love-prove;   flood-doom (ассонансы и консонансы)

4. End rhymes (концевая) fall at the end of the lines. They mark the end of the line.

5. Internal rhymes (внутренняя) occur within the same line:
‘I bring fresh showers to the thirsting flowers
The internal rhyme has two functions: dissevering and consolidating, realized simultaneously.

According to the way the rhymes are arranged within the stanza, there are some certain models:
• Couplets-aa(смежная)
• Cross rhymes-abab(перекрестная)
• Framing rhyme-abba(рамочная)

Graphons is unusual, non-standard spelling of words, showing authentic pronunciation, some peculiarity in pronouncing words or phrases emphatically.
‘Thquire! Your thervant! Thith ith a bad pieth of buithnith…’ (i.e. ‘Squire! Your servant! This is a bad piece of business’.
Most graphons show features of territorial or social dialect of the speaker.
‘Is that my wife? …I see it is, from your fyce…What gyme ‘as she been plying’? You gotta tell me ‘(London cockney dialect)
As for American English, here is an example of the Missouri Negro dialect from ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’:
‘You know dat one-leigged nigger dat b’longs to old Misto Brandish? Well he sot up a bank, en say anybody dat put in a dollar would git fo’ dollars mo’ at en ‘er de year…’