399 773 постов42 подписчика
00:47, 27 мая 2011

Dragon Slayer in Runescape

First off, talk to Morgan. She is in a house in Draynor Village. Ask about Dr.
Harlow. Then go up the ladder and search the cupboard to get Garlic.
Go northeast to Varrock. Get yourself runescape buy gold a hammer and head to the Jolly

Boar Inn.
It’s northeast of Varrock, close to the wild. Talk to the bartender and buy two beers.
Now find Dr. Harlow in the Inn and say that Morgan is in trouble. He’ll ask for two
beers so give it to him. Then he will resume talking to you about how to kill the vampire.
He’ll hand you a stake. After he’s done runescape accounts for sale

explaining, go to Draynor Mansion (it’s just north of
Draynor Village).
Go inside the double-door. Head east around the staircase and take the stairs
down to the basement. Count Draynor is lurking around. Kill him (be sure that you have a
hammer and stake in your inventory) and the quest will be completed.
Ok, this is the big-honcho quest. It’ll require you to kill a lvl110 dragon. It is best if
you raise your combat level to 48+ or you’ll have a tough time doing this quest.
To begin this quest, head to the Champions’ Guild southwest of Varrock and talk to
the Guildmaster. Ask him about the Rune Plate. He’ll tell you to go to Oziach. Oziach lives
in a little shack house west of Edgeville.
Go to the house and talk to Oziach. He’ll tell runescape grand

exchange you about the Dragon-Breath Shield.
Then talk to him about the pieces of the map. He’ll hand you one the key to Melzar’s
Maze. Now you have to find the three pieces of the map.