399 773 постов42 подписчика
03:28, 10 декабря 2015

Social survey «Happy university»

The present study also tried to identify which factors affect student satisfaction the most. They were relationships formed and to a lesser extent, satisfaction with resources and the school environment, achieving personal standards and extracurricular activities. This implies that students who have sufficient social relations, good study resources and do not spend too much time on recreational activities and achieve their own goals, are the most satisfied with their time at the university. Rather surprisingly, neither time management, academic success, university reputation nor income seemed to contribute significantly to student happiness. Also, individual differences in age or gender had either little or no effect.


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Conclusions – can we raise happiness by improving education?

The gender distribution in the sample was pretty even, as 56% were male. Average age was 22 years and 60% of respondents were aged 21–24 years. The first main question was "how did you choose the University?" This question is answered 72% of students choose a good quality of education, and the remaining 20% chose the most well- known, despite the amount of expensive training. On this issue, students believe university teachers should be strict, demanding and stylishly dressed. Almost all participants, students were offer to future graduates of schools their profession.

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In sum, students who had sufficient social relations were the happiest, which might not come as a big surprise. A far noteworthy finding is that the level of satisfaction among students who can balance work and activities well and can meet deadlines or goals, or succeed in their studies, does not differ significantly from that of students who cannot perform these functions. They found that the significant explanatory variables responsible for higher levels of satisfaction with university life were satisfaction with academic work, good relationships formed, proper time management, good reputation of the university, income level and, to a lesser extent, satisfaction with the level of educational resources and the university environment.