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02:22, 13 ноября 2013

Had a terrific time touring the Cold Spring Harbor

I had the rare treat of meeting with, and presenting Pandora and the Music Genome Project to the scientist PANDORA BRACELETSwho actually discovered DNA, Dr. James Watson. He’s a wonderful man THOMAS SABO BRACELET with an obvious curiosity, and some very strong opinions about Chinese opera!

Had a terrific time touring the Cold Spring Harbor facility out on Long Island, where a global assembly of some of the world’s brightest natural scientists come together to do bench research. We convened for a town hall in a seminar room full of biologists and their friends to talk Genome.

It was certainly an unusual town hall with a whole new set of questions around the science and implications of the Music Genome Project.

One comment that really struck me was the idea of inserting random songs into stations to see if it would generate a spontaneous and random improvement – just like a genetic mutation! It’s a really interesting notion, after all, that’s the process that has defined human evolution for thousands of years.

Looking forward to our Milwaukee town hall tomorrow night (10/13) at the Iron Horse Hotel.