399 773 постов42 подписчика
07:45, 23 октября 2012

"It’s quite a big question, in the end of the day." Andreas Schweneker ("Timehouse GmbH")

Blog post image"Some people say, it’s not luck, it is written in your book – can be. I am not… I think it’s a little bit in between of everything. I think you can work hard for the situation that luck will come. This I believe in. And luck is in the end of something which happened unexpected in a positive way, hopefully. But I strongly believe that if you can work for the situation that luck can happen, let’s say it in this way. And the rest will come. But it is, in the end of the day, a huge important story because if you look in all big stories – look in Bill Gates – that somebody in big company was really making a mistake and the next moment there was also an idiot selling $100,000 the Basic for the story. This is luck. Adidas was more or less at the end of the story and three things happened at the same time. They invested in basketball. They didn’t know that in the same year the Americans started their dream team at the Olympic Games at Barcelona. And funny, the same year Germany becomes to be the European Champion in basketball. Wouldn’t it happen again - before the Lithuania was coming. But so they invested in basketball without knowing these things would happen. Then they had a lot of old stuff like Langer one, the 70-ies stuff, the Sneaker. And Madonna is wearing at one night a funny shirt with Adidas and was not paid. This was the revival of Adidas. This is luck. Later you make a story out of this – this is easy. So there is a lot of very successful stories, where the people, who were affected by this, if they are alone in the room they have to say, “Thank you very much.” I believe very strongly in this."

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