399 773 постов41 подписчиков
06:13, 31 августа 2012


Hi there,


It's been a little while that I haven't posted new blogs. It means my high season of work has just started, but I will try to keep up with it!

Anyways, today's topic is Gratitude. Being thankful for the things you have or had or will have!



"For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food,
For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gratitude—the secret answer. In order to manifest the dreams and the life that will bring happiness and joy, one must understand that that type of life is grounded in gratitude. It is amazing how much so many people have, but yet, they fail to recognize it. This blindness to prosperity is holding them back from manifesting more.


Today, we start to understand the power of gratitude. Gratitude can reshape perceptions and get you in the moment. It can slow down time and make you appreciate every moment. It can make your relationships, your career and your life so much better. Gratitude is the secret answer to so many problems.


It starts with you. You must first have gratitude for yourself. You must appreciate the God-given talents you have—the uniqueness that you have been blessed with. You must see the wonderful being that you are.


If you do not have self-love to start with, it is hard to have gratitude for anything else. Today, as you go about your day, replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones. Think of something you are thankful that you can do or that you have, and when you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself, flip-switch it to the positive. This will help you to start creating more gratitude for yourself and more self-love.

Understand blessings. Along with self-love, understanding blessings is very important. A lot of times, the troubles and negative things we are going through are for our own good. At the time, we curse and we swear, but later in life, when we can connect the dots, we see that those trials were actually blessings. Remember that what we focus on expands.


My friend Randy Gage changed his entire business when he started to look at his bills as blessings instead of curses. Blessings come in many shapes and forms. Be thankful for your problems as much as the great things that are happening.


Be open to receive and let your thank-yous be powerful. A lot of the MorningCoach.com family has issues with receiving. You want to give, and that is great, but you also have to receive. Remember that there is a Law of Circulation at work here. Focus on giving and receiving. Also, make your “thank you” just that. Make it powerful, and make it enough. Let your thank-you be your gift back.


Start your day by being thankful. One of the most important ways to start your day is to be thankful for the things in your life. Make it a habit to start your day by making a list of blessings. It will reshape your day and your mind and get you started on the right foot. It only takes a few seconds, and it can make all the difference in the world.


Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of the day, write in your journal the great things that occurred that day. One of the most powerful journaling methods is to write down the great things that happen to you and review that list once a week. It will help take the negativity out of your life, and it will help you build self-love.


When I start to work with someone who is having issues in life, this is one of the first places I start. I get them understanding that there are good things happening in his or her life. This can be a challenge if someone is not used to this type of work. If you are having those kinds of issues, focus on gratitude for the next month and watch how you start to feel.


Give until it feels good. Giving is an amazing thing. Get out there and give more of yourself. Focus on putting great energy out there, and keep giving until it feels good. The more you give, the better you will feel. It is the foundation of gratitude. Give more of yourself today.


Write thank-you notes. A hand-written thank-you note is one of the most powerful ways to show appreciation. It will not only make you feel great, but it will also make the other person feel great. I always focus on gratitude. If I’m dealing with someone on the phone who is nice and is helping me, I make sure and get her name as well as the name of her supervisor, and I will send a thank-you note to both of them. Who does that these days?


Is there any doubt I get amazing service at restaurants, the bank, even DirecTV? It is amazing how a little thank-you note can bring so much value.



How can a lack of gratitude in one’s life keep that person from manifesting more?

What attributes, talents, accomplishments or other aspect of yourself are you grateful for today? What have you been blessed with lately?

What are some opportunities you can take this week to give of yourself, whether it’s money, resources, time or talent?

Who can you show appreciation to this week with a thank-you note? Even if it’s just one person, think of someone who gave to you or helped you out recently, and take five minutes to get a hand-written note off in the mail.


My answers

How can a lack of gratitude in one’s life keep that person from manifesting more?

It is true that without acknowledging that fact that you have things in your life - you will never be happy. Why being grateful helps you or others? It is because you can feel the life and give your tributes to any thing that you had, have or will have...

That's pretty much important

What attributes, talents, accomplishments or other aspect of yourself are you grateful for today? What have you been blessed with lately?

I am grateful for my accomplishments as being a member of Astana Toastmasters Club. It's really awesome place for great life.

I am grateful that I have such a wonderful car - Honda. :)

What are some opportunities you can take this week to give of yourself, whether it’s money, resources, time or talent?

I will try to give my best to the teachers in Astana to have a fantastic English Language Week Celebration

Who can you show appreciation to this week with a thank-you note? Even if it’s just one person, think of someone who gave to you or helped you out recently, and take five minutes to get a hand-written note off in the mail.

It's hard to think of the person, it might be my close relatives!