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21:53, 21 августа 2012

Addicted to Drama



Welcome to the MorningCoach_KZ! a place to experience greatness in life and explore the energy to move forward..

My name is Nurlan and I do this blog every day, Monday to Friday, to let you have the best life our there for you.

Another Great day today!

So it's Wednesday and I am going to talk about - Addicted to Drama!


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“A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.” -- Bill Waterson

What is drama? Drama is putting unnecessary energy into situations that don't need energy put into them. It is making a mountain out of a molehill, gossiping or talking about other people. It is about living in a crisis. People who have to live their lives in crisis are addicted to drama. Some people will not work unless there's a fire to be put out. If you find yourself needing this type of stimulus, you may be addicted to drama.


If you find yourself turning small things into gigantic time-consumers, if you find yourself talking about other people and not talking about ideas, or if you find yourself constantly enmeshed in the negativity of life, you may be addicted to drama.

Why the addiction to drama? A lot of people are addicted to drama because they find their value in their victimhood. This means that when they feel down, they feel like the world is against them. This victimhood is a curse, not a blessing, and it focuses that person on drama.


Another reason is that people aren't satisfied with their own lives. They look at others’ lifestyles and want to bring them down to their own level. They want to live in drama and want others to live in it too. People with low self-esteem also tend to live dramatic lives. They don't have the self-confidence to break away from the things that are holding them back, so they live within drama.


Developing strength. In order to deal with the drama that is in the world today, you need to develop strength. You do this by making sure your mind is right and avoiding the situations that dramatic people are in. It is important to note that drama is also embraced by the masses, and the news does nothing to help in this area. The media bring more drama than anybody. Focus on building your confidence in self. Be independent, be unique, and love yourself. This is the foundation of living a life without drama.


Gossip and water cooler chat. It is important that you don't talk about other people. Small people talk about other people. Amazing people talk about ideas. If you find yourself at the water cooler, and everyone else is talking about someone else, excuse yourself. Don't get caught up in the peer pressure to talk about others. Gossip and innuendo come from drama.


Choose the right friends. You can't always choose your co-workers, and your family has dramatic people too, I’m sure, but you can choose your friends. Make sure you choose friends that are not filled with drama over every event that happens in life. Yes, there'll be times in life when things happen. Life is a roller coaster, and we need to know that. But don't get mixed up with the wrong type of friends. Make sure you surround yourself with non-dramatic people.


Create drama-free zones. Designate special areas at work or home where you can have drama-free conversations. Just creating the awareness of drama is sometimes all that is needed. Nobody wants to be known as a drama queen or king. Creating a drama-free zone makes it more than likely that you can stop drama before it starts. Awareness is the key.


Clarify expectations with others. Make sure you clarify your expectations with others when it comes to handling drama. This means you need to be on the same page in what you expect the other person to do. One of the main causes of drama is the miscommunication of expectations.


Get things done. Bottom line: You are too busy to get involved in drama. You are moving forward in life, and you don't have time for it. Just get things done, and the drama will dissipate. If you focus on the things you have to do instead of on other people, you'll be amazed by what happens.


Want to read more... Addicted to Drama

Ask Yourself Questions

What is drama? Is it a part of your life?

Name the last time you saw someone panic over something that turned out to be nothing. How did you feel?

How can you overcome drama in your life?

Why is it important to focus on getting things done?



My answers to Questions

What is drama? Is it a part of your life?

To me, drama is some kind of situation when I start talking about some events what have to do nothing with me. I usually detest chit-chatting about it. I don't think it's a part of my life.

Name the last time you saw someone panic over something that turned out to be nothing. How did you feel?

I can't remember precisely, but there are many occasions in my work place that I find it too trivial to talk about. I just go away...

How can you overcome drama in your life?

I sometimes find it hard to overcome drama, as it does take place. more often at home than at work. So I try to be realistic and claim my point of view on some idea.

Why is it important to focus on getting things done?

If you talk more, you do less. Actions speak louder than words, so get out and be a DOER!