399 773 постов42 подписчика
12:39, 10 марта 2012

Attitude to learning

*Вот что я называю 'hooking'-ом высшего пилотажа+

'... You have to step back, and really think about what u are learning. U are living in the time when u can put a video, or pick up a book or turn on on Internet and learn about things and understand things that people for hundreds of years were trying to understand. People, many people spent their entire lives trying to understand what was inside of the atom. What made atoms different, what internal patterns made them to combine and interact with each other?
If u feel frustrated to understand and learn all of these definition things, just take a deep breath and realize, hey, u've got it a lot easier than some of these people that spent forty years to barely understand just one of these concepts. And in this course, we're going to explore all of them at once, and u'll understand it with crystal clarity and u'll know that it is fact. It is really amazing, interesting stuff that we can sit here and talk about what is inside of the atom and we've to understand that we are standing on the shoulders of everybody before us, who did these experiments and who studied these things . So I'll try to break it down for u, so then u go on and achieve your goals in life, but just keep in mind that u're learning things now that people 100, 150 years ago would've just love to be able to pick up a book or watch a video and really understand the truth in the universe.'

(Professor of the advanced - theoretical chemistry course in uni)