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08:40, 12 марта 2012

Spring influence?

Sometimes I have a strong feeling of emptiness. Well, actually it happens after something extremely good that has just taken place in my life. People call it Murphy's Law.

There are moments when I think my life is a white sheet of paper spotted by billions of dark points that no-one can wash away. When I feel sad these points grow up in number and the paper-life becomes black. So what is black? It's nothing! Damned emptiness!

By the way everything is ok. I really understand that I much more lucky than poor children of the whole world, than invalids, than prisoners, than any sick one. So what does happen with me then? It seems I know the answer. Need a little bit of courage to admit it to myself and no matter how nasty it is, no matter that I can't do anything to change it or I don't want to change... I don't know! Simply got mixed.

Emptiness, loneliness in a crowd, misunderstanding.

Advice from me to me:

So sa-a-a-a-a-a-d! Omg... Sh*t up and go ahead!