399 773 постов41 подписчиков
05:30, 16 февраля 2012

Our housekeeping

Before creation of Center "Kenes" the relation to children with heavy psychoneurological pathologies in our country was unequivocal - "learning-disabled".

The sphere of rendering assistance to families with such children hasn't been developed, because such child was considered from a position of medical model and was considered "unsuitable", thereby for such children was carried out only leaving in the state boarding schools of the closed type.

Efforts of Center "Kenes" are directed on change of the relation of a society to children with pathologies in development. We have come to a conclusion that the child who does not have worsening condition, can be trained, if as training to understand not the academic programs of training, but first of all, formation at the child necessary social skills and, only at their presence involve the child in training process of his informative activity, using important principles of an individual approach, respect of the person and others.

In Center "Kenes" the alternative model of complex rehabilitation in the form of day stay has been created that has allowed parents to take feasible part in labor activity and to find the place in life, as we have incurred care of the child in the afternoon;

We adhere to the concept «All children are capable to development». Practical experience has shown that there is created special conditions the child is capable to acquire the vital skills of self-service, personal hygiene, skills of a household and labor orientation. Within the limits of a labor orientation the hothouse and a small zoo was created. At observance of necessary principles of work, and also at forming of a correct way of development on each child it is possible to achieve good results on formation of skills of care by plants and animals.

Each child has the right to development and the right to a recognition of its individuality. We should understand that all of us is "special" and have no right to brand children who were born with the problems influencing their development.

«Don't renounce destiny» - after all such child can appear in any family!