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08:00, 16 апреля 2014

Jack London «Hearts of three» syntactical SDs

‘Hearts of three’ by Jack London.

Syntactical SDs:

1)Money, like youth, will not be denied, and Francis Morgan, who was the man-legal and nature-certain representative of both youth and money,(suspence) found himself one afternoon, three weeks after he had said good-bye to Regan….

2)Look like I might shoot a parrot or monkey or something, he explained…(polysyndenton)

3)But Francis was not to be deterred; for at the moment, through his glass, he had picked out, (elypsis ) first, in the middle ground, a white hacienda, an second, on the beach, a white-clad woman’s form…

4)“Put the skiff over, skipper,” he ordered. “Who lives around here? White folks” (Rhetorical question)

5)“My word, they are important gentlefolk, old Spanish, (detachment) and they own the entire general landscape from the sea to the Cordilleras and half of the Chiriqui Lagoon aswell”

6)They are very poor, most powerful, rich…in landscape and they are prideful and fiery as cayenne pepper(Break-in-the-narrative)

7)…healthy idea of encountering a bucolic young lady, or half-wild white woman for that matter, or at the best a very provincial one,… (polysyndenton)

8)Not alone was it her semi-brunette beauty that impacted upon him with the weight of a blow, but it was her gaze, driven into him, (detachment)  that was all of sternness.

9)“Do as I do,” she shot back at him… (repetition)

10)He smiled and obeyed, crouching when she crouched, doubling over when she doubled,(parallel constructions) while memories of John Smith glimmered up in his fancy

11)“Won’t you ever be serious?” (Rhetorical question)