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03:25, 27 мая 2012

IELTS, True/False/Not Give and Yes/No/Not Given questions

Добрый день!

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Один мой читатель спросил меня о различиях в части Reading part между заданиями True/False/Not Give и Yes/No/Not Given. Для меня лично это очень сложное задание, в котором я делаю больше всего ошибок, наверное, процентов 30, если не больше. Поэтому, если и у вас с этим туго, то этот пост специально для вас.

Итак давайте разберемся в самих вопросах True/False/Not Give т.е. Верно, Не верно,и Не дано.

Когда мы говорим Верно, то значит, в тексте есть момент, где все описано именно так как в задании и, важно, ничего не нужно додумывать, только то, что есть в тексте.

Если же в тексте говорится совсем другое, то Не верно.

А если можно догадаться, что возможно что-то подразумевалось, но точно об этом не сказали , то тут возможен только один ответ Не дано.

Вот какое объяснение я нашла на сайте советов по подготовке к тесту: (источник тут)

Every IELTS Reading test, no matter Academic or General has tasks of this kind. Lots of students tell me (and I agree) that this is a very confusing task.

For those who has no idea what I am talking about, I’ll explain – this task has a statement, and your job is to say is it True, False or Not Given in the reading passage.

How do you “attack” it? First learn the rule:

  • If the statement clearly appears in text – it is True
  • If the text clearly says the opposite of statement – it is False
  • If you didn’t find the statement to be True or False – it is Not Given

For example:
“Smoking is dangerous and can lead to cancer” – T, F, NG

1) If the text clearly says that “smoking is dangerous and leads to cancer” than the answer is T.

2) If the text says that “No research showed evidence that smoking is dangerous and leads to cancer” than the answer is F.

3) If the text says “The research included smoking people of both genders of ages 30 to 45″ and nothing else about smoking – your answer is NG.

Don’t make these mistakes:

  • Don’t assume anything based on your knowledge and experience, read the text! It is the oldest trick in the book and they use it a lot in IELTS.
  • Don’t “over think” your answer – you could start building long logical sequences that will take you to the wrong answer.

А теперь давайте рассмотрим Yes/No/Not Given – Да, Нет, Не дано.

Yes/No/Not Given questions

Yes/No/Not Given questions are similar to True/False/Not Given questions because you need to decide if the statement is:

  • correct according to what is written in the passage
  • incorrect according to what is written in the passage
  • not mentioned in the passage.

However, Yes/No/Not Given questions usually refer to the writer’s opinion on topics, while True/False/Not given questions refer to facts in the passage. Look at the instructions for Yes/No/Not Given questions below.


Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer? Write:


if the statement agrees with the views of the writer


if the statement contradicts the views of the writer


if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

35 It is easy to describe what libraries are.

36 It is difficult to determine the future of libraries.

37 Libraries have become much more technologically advanced.

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You can see that the instructions ask you to decide if the statements agree with the views of the writer.

The other key words you should notice in these instructions are:


agrees with =

the statement gives the same opinion as that of the writer




the statement gives a different or opposite opinion from that of the writer


impossible to say =

the statement is not related to the writer’s views or is not mentioned in the passage

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